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Respawn LAN Forums > Discussion > Spam
So after all the tron related madness at the last Respawn, I wonder, how many people have actually seen the film?

I had the displeasure of sitting down and watching it just then.

Protip: Don't.

Spoiler: it's boring.
Spoiler: SirSquidness is people!
Spoiler: SirSquidness gets killed by Snape!
Spoiler: SirSquidness is really a ghost!
Spoiler: SirSquidness is Tyler Durden!
Spoiler: SirSquidness dies in the last book/movie!
Spoiler: SirSquidness improves aerodynamic downforce!
QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Sep 23 2009, 09:05 PM) *
So after all the tron related madness at the last Respawn, I wonder, how many people have actually seen the film?

I had the displeasure of sitting down and watching it just then.

Protip: Don't.

Spoiler: it's boring.

You must of watched it in 33tick... because its AWESOME
I've watched it, it was awesome.
Vortex Vandel
tron is best enjoyed when seeing it as a kid. It's a kids movie and if you grew up with pc's from 20+ years ago you'd appreciate it more you young wipper schnapper! (ok.. I feel old now sad.gif )
You are old tongue.gif jk

They should do a remake
They Should have a respawn devoted to like famous youtube things or people.
for example: Choclate Rain, numa numa, the gopher,snezing panda and many more.... thats my idea.
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