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COD4: 5v5 Competition

Comp Runners: R4N, Oohms

The COD4 comp will be a 5v5 comp running ProMod Live 2.11 NE. It is scheduled to start at 4pm on saturday.


- Teams MUST register on the EMS and sign up to the cod4 competition prior to 3pm
- A double elimination ladder is then drawn up and teams are paired off and allocated servers. This will be displayed on the projector or on screens at the admin desks.
- Promod will run the competition for you, and once the round has finished, one member of EACH team is to come up the front and report the result.

Subsequent rounds will be announced as the tournament progresses


mp_citystreets (District)


Maps are picked at random from the maplist

No hacking or map exploits are allowed.
Should a dispute arise (eg: a hacking accusation), we will view any screenshot or demo from the team making the accusation. The final decision is to be made by the admin.
Note that without any proof, a hacking accusation may be dismissed, or in some exceptional cases, a rematch may be ordered.

Teams have within 5 minutes of the round announcement to get a member of their team into the server, otherwise they forfeit.
After 10 minutes of the original announcement, if there are 3 or less players in a team, the opposing team can come up to the front and have the game awarded to them if they wish. Teams of 4 are acceptable.

Server settings

We are running the default promod live options

promod_mode knockout_mr12_lan
(Max rounds 12 = best of 24)

game type: SD

NOTE: For everyone outside the competition scene, the servers will be up well before the comp starts so you can get used to it.


Old links
Promod Live 2.04 AU details
Promod Live details
Clanbase COD4 S&D rules

*edited 15/3/11*
The comp was great, thanks oohms
So it's not possible to run promod?

QUOTE (oohms @ Jan 16 2009, 01:02 AM) *

I reckon for V11, these maps should be played. Overgrown is yucky
if theyre are any suggestions in regards to the COD4 comp, please PM them to R4N or me.

we will discuss future comps between, me, R4N and oohms
QUOTE (SiMONiZZLE @ Jan 21 2009, 11:06 PM) *
So it's not possible to run promod?

Unfortunately, promod doesn't like the lack of punkbuster..

and punkbuster doesn't work well at lans tongue.gif

We'll see if theres a way to get promod working without punkbuster, or if not, to streamline PAM a bit so matches aren't so tedious. PAM was a last minute choice this lan because of the promod fail, so it wasn't exactly an optimal setup.
Sweet, will hopefully be able to get my friends banded together to play biggrin.gif
for V13 is there going to be pro mod? or are we playing normal s&d

and if we play pam are there going to be rules on if you are allowed to use P90's or LMG weapons.
because that is what makes 5v5 bad :[
QUOTE (FuZZ @ Jul 21 2009, 04:00 PM) *
for V13 is there going to be pro mod? or are we playing normal s&d

and if we play pam are there going to be rules on if you are allowed to use P90's or LMG weapons.
because that is what makes 5v5 bad :[

last time was promod, i think when it was pam4(hardcore) there was lmgs not to sure about p90s
it's promod
Updated rules for V12.. things are slowly getting more polished laugh.gif

Let me know if there is anything i should address, or any rule you don't agree with
wondering can you use the same game over 2 computers or do they have to b legit cd keys
doesn't matter.. cause there will be no net access, we turn off punkbuster and everything like that wink.gif

edit: i don't think you can use identical keys, but it doesnt matter if they are legit or not
if pb is off, cant that lead to people using hacks :S
QUOTE (Dyno @ Aug 16 2009, 04:02 PM) *
if pb is off, cant that lead to people using hacks :S

yeah but its a LAN..... if you do it you end up like this!
rules look good
i was upset i couldn't get my sniper rifle that i wanted how come all guns arn't enabled
QUOTE (GIARUS @ Sep 6 2009, 07:03 PM) *
i was upset i couldn't get my sniper rifle that i wanted how come all guns arn't enabled

Thats one of the things that PROMOD does, the reason being is it evens out the gameplay between guys new to the game and more seasoned veterans.

suffice to say. even if we could turn it off, id leave it as is smile.gif
QUOTE (dead_man @ Sep 6 2009, 07:36 PM) *
QUOTE (GIARUS @ Sep 6 2009, 07:03 PM) *
i was upset i couldn't get my sniper rifle that i wanted how come all guns arn't enabled

Thats one of the things that PROMOD does, the reason being is it evens out the gameplay between guys new to the game and more seasoned veterans.

suffice to say. even if we could turn it off, id leave it as is smile.gif

But i want my bolt action sniper firing rounds real fast and quick
and disapointed no p90
Edited to say that we are actually running promod live v1.0, as always, but it stated 2.04 at the top. Fixed now smile.gif

(This is because the newer versions bring back a bug that old promod had... flashing messages on the clients' screens if punkbuster was not enabled)
Any chance u can Laybel The Guns u can use in promod
QUOTE (oohms @ Jan 20 2010, 05:39 PM) *
Edited to say that we are actually running promod live v1.0, as always, but it stated 2.04 at the top. Fixed now smile.gif

(This is because the newer versions bring back a bug that old promod had... flashing messages on the clients' screens if punkbuster was not enabled)

Nevermind, I saw your post (about the PB issue going away once its live) in the other thread. Good-o!
Quoting what i posted in another thread:

"We tested 2.04 AU at the lan, and the punkbuster message still pops up, even when the match is live. If anyone has a config that works, ill be happy to have a look at it and do it for the next respawn, but for this lan we'll stick with 1.0.
We won't be enabling punkbuster tho, it causes too many issues at a lan with a comp of this size"
no net access are u for real?

if Gamestah are going how are we to broadcast our streams?
QUOTE (Kitfox @ Mar 30 2010, 02:20 AM) *
no net access are u for real?

if Gamestah are going how are we to broadcast our streams?

this issue has since been sorted out

can i ask why does it have 2 be search and destroy like why can't it be sabotage or team deathmatch
QUOTE (Kitfox @ Mar 30 2010, 02:20 AM) *
no net access are u for real?

if Gamestah are going how are we to broadcast our streams?

There is internet, just it's not for the general public, only for specific people and purposes.
QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Mar 30 2010, 10:50 AM) *
QUOTE (Kitfox @ Mar 30 2010, 02:20 AM) *
no net access are u for real?

if Gamestah are going how are we to broadcast our streams?

There is internet, just it's not for the general public, only for specific people and purposes.

the only thing we get for internet is steam if u want internet use a mobile or get a wireless usb modem
QUOTE (GIARUS @ Mar 30 2010, 10:56 AM) *
the only thing we get for internet is steam if u want internet use a mobile or get a wireless usb modem

Correct. But GameStah are not "one of you".
Giarus did you have to post that question in 2 cod threads? sad.gif
QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Mar 30 2010, 11:06 AM) *
QUOTE (GIARUS @ Mar 30 2010, 10:56 AM) *
the only thing we get for internet is steam if u want internet use a mobile or get a wireless usb modem

Correct. But GameStah are not "one of you".

thats why u can try getting a wireless mobile modeum or use ya mobile to do msn or facebook and stuff
QUOTE (GIARUS @ Mar 30 2010, 11:10 AM) *
thats why u can try getting a wireless mobile modeum or use ya mobile to do msn or facebook and stuff

That is entirely irrelevant to the question Kitfox asked, and this thread.

This is the last off topic post, k?
ok squid
no need to stress
I noticed the OP is from 2009... so I have to ask; Is the v16 comp going to be double elimination like v15, or will it be single elimination?
QUOTE (I.esus @ Mar 31 2010, 04:26 PM) *
Completely illiterate retardation aside, I noticed the OP is from 2009... so I have to ask; Is the v16 comp going to be double elimination like v15, or will it be single elimination?

double elim again

Good stuff. It gives the lesser teams (+ teams made up of randoms/people that have a life outside of CoD4) more playtime, rather than getting ripped out of the comp first shot 24-0 by the organized/highly experienced clans (which I think is unfair on everyone else, but I won't go into that).
promod 2.06 plox
QUOTE (eDGe @ Apr 2 2010, 11:22 PM) *
promod 2.06 plox

Plox is not a word.
QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Apr 2 2010, 10:41 PM) *
QUOTE (eDGe @ Apr 2 2010, 11:22 PM) *
promod 2.06 plox

Plox is not a word.

let it fly.
QUOTE (eDGe @ Apr 2 2010, 10:22 PM) *
promod 2.06 plox

They changed things AGAIN with 2.06... so despite changing the mode to to match_lan_mr12 (and lan_mr12) it comes up with all these violation errors

Plus i can't find a single official release site for this... the official site still says 2.04

So (just like last time laugh.gif ) if anyone can tell me how to run an mr12 server on lan without punkbuster, ill run 2.06 in the comp, otherwise 2.04 AU it is

mp_citystreets = District >-<
Just a quick note about promod...
promodlive207 (test release i think) has fixed the punkbuster issues for match_lan_mr12 smile.gif
Only recently been released but its being used on the cybergamer ladder as the gameplay mod... so far dont know of any issues... really just fixed issues for promodlive206 thats it there
yes promod 207 can be used on lan with no issues, so use it for v17
yeh that was used at ethersnap, finally promod supports lan, the only downfall is i think its like a normal pub in terms of rounds, i.e. first to 11 wins. But i think this can be changed.
if you put it in match_lan_mr12 first to 13 wins / best of 24 ... custom_public/ comp_public dont have lan support i dont think tho sad.gif
QUOTE (Syk0 @ May 25 2010, 11:05 PM) *
Just a quick note about promod...
promodlive207 (test release i think) has fixed the punkbuster issues for match_lan_mr12 smile.gif
Only recently been released but its being used on the cybergamer ladder as the gameplay mod... so far dont know of any issues... really just fixed issues for promodlive206 thats it there

Consider it done (barring any issues at the lan of course)
So No Promod 2.07, the new spankin out out???
QUOTE (BT619 @ Jun 17 2010, 11:43 AM) *
So No Promod 2.07, the new spankin out out???

What? o_O
QUOTE (BT619 @ Jun 17 2010, 11:43 AM) *
So No Promod 2.07, the new spankin out out???

QUOTE (oohms @ May 31 2010, 09:26 PM) *
QUOTE (Syk0 @ May 25 2010, 11:05 PM) *
Just a quick note about promod...
promodlive207 (test release i think) has fixed the punkbuster issues for match_lan_mr12 smile.gif
Only recently been released but its being used on the cybergamer ladder as the gameplay mod... so far dont know of any issues... really just fixed issues for promodlive206 thats it there

Consider it done (barring any issues at the lan of course)

I have no idea what i was onabout. i probs was thinking that we where gonna use promod the very first one.
Anyone mind telling about the hype over Promod, seems pretty average. :/

And after all the tournaments, will we be allowed to play other game styles?

HC FFA happy.gif!
QUOTE (LeighTurd @ Aug 28 2010, 01:00 AM) *
Anyone mind telling about the hype over Promod, seems pretty average. :/

And after all the tournaments, will we be allowed to play other game styles?

HC FFA happy.gif!

You're always welcome to start a server of your own with whatever settings you like!
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