COD4: 5v5 Competition
Comp Runners: R4N, Oohms
The COD4 comp will be a 5v5 comp running ProMod Live 2.11 NE. It is scheduled to start at 4pm on saturday.
- Teams MUST register on the EMS and sign up to the cod4 competition prior to 3pm
- A double elimination ladder is then drawn up and teams are paired off and allocated servers. This will be displayed on the projector or on screens at the admin desks.
- Promod will run the competition for you, and once the round has finished, one member of EACH team is to come up the front and report the result.
Subsequent rounds will be announced as the tournament progresses
mp_citystreets (District)
Maps are picked at random from the maplist
No hacking or map exploits are allowed.
Should a dispute arise (eg: a hacking accusation), we will view any screenshot or demo from the team making the accusation. The final decision is to be made by the admin.
Note that without any proof, a hacking accusation may be dismissed, or in some exceptional cases, a rematch may be ordered.
Teams have within 5 minutes of the round announcement to get a member of their team into the server, otherwise they forfeit.
After 10 minutes of the original announcement, if there are 3 or less players in a team, the opposing team can come up to the front and have the game awarded to them if they wish. Teams of 4 are acceptable.
Server settings
We are running the default promod live options
promod_mode knockout_mr12_lan
(Max rounds 12 = best of 24)
game type: SD
NOTE: For everyone outside the competition scene, the servers will be up well before the comp starts so you can get used to it.
Old links
Promod Live 2.04 AU details
Promod Live details
Clanbase COD4 S&D rules
*edited 15/3/11*