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League of Legends - v29 Tournament

Good Afternoon Summoners,

As Respawn moves into its 29th event, the League of Legends tournament will continue!

Competition Rules:

Map: Summoners Rift
Teams: 5 v 5
Mode: Tournament Draft
Schedule: Depends on Teams, would like to see an Round Robin or Single Elim.
Players MUST be ready to play - This means, don't double book yourself.
Arena: Oceania (confirmed we get 20 ping with no latency spikes)


Will Riot be involved in anyway:
Respawn would love to see Riot Games become involved, we've contacted them however the team at Riot have a very busy schedule and may not make it, Don't be disappointed though. The competition will rock your socks off! (or thongs if you aren't wearing shoes).

Q: In the event of network failure, what will happen?
A: If the entire internet fails dropping all players offline, the match will be replayed with the same picks/bans to ensure continuity.

Q: My PC crashed during the load screen?
A: When we setup the competition, you will need to set it up as a tournament match which enables pausing to ensure no disadvantage. This is why tournament draft is used.

Q: I went out for dinner/food/other and missed my comp?
A: If you don't respond to calls to check in, your team will be disqualified. The delays often cause comps to overrun and result in people missing other scheduled gaming goodness

Q: Can I double book for competitions?
A: In short, no. As above we find people will be busy playing other games and delay those waiting. At v27 we had a team who waited 3 hours for their match to begin because the other team were constantly not available. From v28 onward, if you aren't going to be available, we will disqualify the team as the delays it causes aren't fair on other competitors.

Q: Can I bring a player in from outside the event?
A: No, players must be registered, paid and checked in attendees at the event. If you wish to bring in a sub, they will need to present their badge at the comps desk for verification.

Q: Can my team have a sub?
A: Yes - See above

Q: What about <champion name here>?
A: Tournaments do not restrict what champions(toons) you may use, however be mindful the picks/bans process in Tournament selection may result in your opponents either banning or counter picking your selections.

Q: What arena will be run on?
A: Oceania (OCE) - Summoners Rift

Q: Can /pause be used?
A: Yes, in certain circumstances such as technical faults (ie: my support disconnected/dead keyboard/table switch fails/table power fails). If the whole team drops, refer to the above question on that. If the pause is going to last longer than 5 minutes, please have someone alert the competitions desk.

Please see our official ruleset document!
Click to view attachment

Special Notes
Because we are running in tournament draft mode to ensure the picks/bans are fair to the entire process, you MUST HAVE 16 champions in your account. Champions these days are fairly cheap to purchase with either IP or RP. If you don't have 16 champions, this will make it difficult to be fair in the process.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here or PM me directly.
Get your teams ready, practiced and ready to roll!

And my god bestow your team a Penta!

Jeffy (or on OCE I am JFed)
Traffic Control
Hi Jeffy, really keen for the next respawn LoL tournament. My team and I missed the last one sad.gif - when will this event be held?
Hi Traffic Control,

It's been announced,

18/01/14 - 19/01/14


Last respawn we (Fibonacci 5) played two 40min games both close I gold with team sin( the winners) in the semi finals, only to lose and watch team sin stomp which ever team the played against in the finals.

Single elimination is used to accurately determine the best team, however given that in the past the lol tournament has been prized for first and second it would make sense to use double elimination which accurately determines the top 2 teams, especially if the games are going to be streamed since I am sure everyone wants the finals to be interesting!

I love the DE format, but the problem we had was last time teams in the bottom bracket would sign up to other comps and it caused massive delays and problems for those who wanted to play on through.

If we did a DE format this time, the question is, how comfortable are the teams if I started heavily enforcing the clock in which to start games. Because I can't justify a DE format to the powers that be, if teams are going to double book and cause delays.

QUOTE (Jen @ Dec 27 2013, 01:55 PM) *

I love the DE format, but the problem we had was last time teams in the bottom bracket would sign up to other comps and it caused massive delays and problems for those who wanted to play on through.

If we did a DE format this time, the question is, how comfortable are the teams if I started heavily enforcing the clock in which to start games. Because I can't justify a DE format to the powers that be, if teams are going to double book and cause delays.


Im all in favour of strict time enforcement as we really just play lol. I suppose it depends on how comfortable you feel upon putting that restriction on more casual players
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