Zardoz: I have no problem with Ravnica i was hoping that people would actually want it. A bit sick of always being drafted M14, anyway $20 is the right amount for 8 people.
The new Deck "Heroes and Monsters" is going for $30 on Friday, i'll be buying a box and may as well pick up another for a Prize if that is still alright.

We could always set it up as: !st the Deck and a booster, 2nd 3 cards, 3rd 2 cards (and if enough cards are left over), a booster for everyone who participated. I have noticed that you save money buying a Booster Box then you do individual boosters ( $160 a box, 36 packs. $252 individually together and $7 a pack(hopefully these figures are correct)). But it is your choice on what to decide to do.
Just have to ask as well, has Respawn considered a sponsorship with Games Lab? It might be good for future tournaments at Respawn. Better yet with Wizard?
Chocobro: If there is one thing i have noticed in drafting, it is that Judges are needed to help players with certain rules. So the help would be appreciated, especially with the large number we may get.