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Full Version: Magic Drafting Tournament?
Respawn LAN Forums > Discussion > Tabletop
Hey guys I'm thinking of organizing a Magic Drafting Tournament. So if i were to buy a M14, Ravnica or Gatecrash Booster Pack, how many people would be interested in doing Drafting on Saturday or Sunday? For a first prize I'm thinking of the upcoming Heroes vs Monsters Deck (features 6 new Theros cards!), Second a few Boosters (4 to 5) and Thrird 1 or 2 Boosters.

We've been thinking about the same thing! How about Return to Ravnica (undecided on a block draft, was thinking just RTR through and through because it's a kickass set and has some high value cards such as shocks, deathrite shaman etc)? We can buy boxes from Games Lab (or insert-your-local-game-store-here) and draft for cost+prizes. I had some rough workings but $20 entry for 8 people will allow us to give some boosters to 1st/2nd/3rd. I didn't factor in the cost of a new duel deck, however - but that's a nice idea!

If you'd love to help us with organising this, PLEASE DO! Unfortunately as it's Theros prerelease weekend, we won't be able to get any Theros boxes until the following week (how sucky) and we'd want to start the draft in the evening so that anyone stepping out to draft at the prerelease can do so.

How's that sound?
Sounds like a super awesome-o idea.

Also, since I'm working on my way to a Level 1 Judge certification, I will volunteer and be more than happy to judge the event no matter what the format! biggrin.gif
Zardoz: I have no problem with Ravnica i was hoping that people would actually want it. A bit sick of always being drafted M14, anyway $20 is the right amount for 8 people.
The new Deck "Heroes and Monsters" is going for $30 on Friday, i'll be buying a box and may as well pick up another for a Prize if that is still alright. unsure.gif We could always set it up as: !st the Deck and a booster, 2nd 3 cards, 3rd 2 cards (and if enough cards are left over), a booster for everyone who participated. I have noticed that you save money buying a Booster Box then you do individual boosters ( $160 a box, 36 packs. $252 individually together and $7 a pack(hopefully these figures are correct)). But it is your choice on what to decide to do.

Just have to ask as well, has Respawn considered a sponsorship with Games Lab? It might be good for future tournaments at Respawn. Better yet with Wizard? laugh.gif

Chocobro: If there is one thing i have noticed in drafting, it is that Judges are needed to help players with certain rules. So the help would be appreciated, especially with the large number we may get.

Part bragging, part helpful. As of today, I am officially a Level One Magic Judge so I can be approximately 5000x more helpful when this event rolls around.

Also, I've been talking to Zardoz and it almost definitely looks like we're going to end up doing a 3xRTR draft with prizes in the usual swiss split. So it promises to be pretty awesome.
QUOTE (Chocobro @ Sep 14 2013, 10:14 PM) *
Part bragging, part helpful. As of today, I am officially a Level One Magic Judge so I can be approximately 5000x more helpful when this event rolls around.

Also, I've been talking to Zardoz and it almost definitely looks like we're going to end up doing a 3xRTR draft with prizes in the usual swiss split. So it promises to be pretty awesome.

Congratulations , while your judging, will you also be playing in the tournament yourself?
Absolutely, if we're running the event as just casual there's no reason I can't do both.
QUOTE (Chocobro @ Sep 16 2013, 09:51 PM) *
Absolutely, if we're running the event as just casual there's no reason I can't do both.

Hmm, That's true.
I haven't got a message from Zardoz yet, but do we have any estimates on when we will hold the Tournament on Saturday?

Total noob, but Keen!
Hi Guys,

Jeffy the comps man here! I'm happy for you guys to run a TableTop tournament and I love the idea of it!

I would say from a fairness perspective, if you are judging, it would be unfair to also play in the game as well, because the potential for bias is still there and cannot be ruled out. That said if you had two brackets going, you can play in one and judge the other. You just can't judge the game your playing if you are wanting us to potentially give a prize of any kind to the winner.

Come and see me (I'm at the front with the COMPS SIGN) and we'll talk about inclusions for the next event, or PM me here on the forums.

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