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Respawn LAN Forums > Discussion > Spam > Reloaded Road Trip - July 2010
Reloaded is roughly 6 hours in now. Thus far, Respawn has won one game of L4D2 scavange, lost one, played quite a few games on the free daytona machine and raced a substantial amount of Blur.

Asus were demoing some extreme OCing earlier, apparently hitting around 6GHz.

More gaming to do. bbl lol
Lego Man making love to the Companion Cube

R4N ductaped to a chair

HoopNet ™ - a Linksys AP velco'd to a basketball hoop net

Gamestah's KITFOX with PINK headphones and lapel mic

Queen Gainer
Kitfox looks sexy in his pink get up.
get some
thats KF's true colors rite there
Queen Gainer
QUOTE (Kitfox @ Jul 10 2010, 11:20 AM) *
get some

Only if you buy them for me.
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